Youth work at Encounter Church
We are passionate about discipling young people and giving them opportunities to explore the Christian faith in a safe, secure, fun environment where every young person is valued. We do this in a variety of ways; youth groups, mentoring, trips, events, residentials, exploring and using their gifts and giving the young people the opportunity to serve.
Youth Church - Sunday mornings
We currently have a Sunday morning “Youth Church”, where young people of secondary school age learn more about the Bible together and discuss relevant life issues within a Biblical context. During this time, we have fun together hanging out, sharing snacks and playing games. Every 1st and 3rd week of the month, Youth Church stay in the main service; we believe it is important for our young people to engage and contribute to the life of our church family.
Wave - Wednesdays 7pm - 8:30pm
We run a youth group, called “Wave” on Wednesday evening. It is called Wave to illustrate our vision of seeing a move of God sweep over our young people. This includes time of fellowship, snacks, games and other activities.